Student and Health Services

Student services is an integral part of West Covina's high-quality instructional program. We support the needs of our student body through child welfare, health and safety, attendance, and student discipline. This focus helps our schools maintain a positive environment and keeps students engaged in the learning process. Below is a sampling of some of the services we provide in WCUSD.

For more information about these or any of our student services, please call us at (626) 939-4600, 


Foster and Homeless Youth Center

Our Foster and Homeless Youth Center offers a range of services for both students and parents including:

  • Tutoring and Academic Support
  • Computer Lab Access
  • College and Career Planning
  • Referrals for Community Based Resources
  • Assistance with Accessing L.A. County programs for Foster and Homeless Youth 
  • Parent and Student Workshops

Please contact Michelle Castillo, Foster/Homeless Youth Liaison, if you’d like more information at (626) 960-3052 Ext.1910.  The Foster Youth Center is located on the Willowood Campus at 2021 W. Alwood St., Room 301, West Covina, CA.


Devon Rose, Ed.D.
Director of Student Services
626-939-4600 ext. 1207
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Tina Flores
Administrative Secretary I
Student Services
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Michelle Castillo, LCSW, PPSC
Foster/Homeless Youth Liaison
(626) 960.3052 ext. 1910
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