LCAP Committee
The West Covina Unified School District Local Control Accountability Plan/Local Educational Agency Plan (LCAP/LEAP) District Advisory Committee is comprised of a majority of parents; district and site administrators; teachers; site and district classified employees; local bargaining unit members; and local providers of services for unduplicated students. Parent representation reflects a wide variety of students, including parents of low-income, English Learner, Reclassified Fluent English Proficient, foster youth, and special education students.
The LCAP/LEAP District Advisory Committee meets on a quarterly basis during the school year. Meetings include informational presentations about California’s Local Control Funding Formula & LCAP, district programs across schools and grade levels, curriculum, interventions, the California School Dashboard, differentiated/technical assistance, current progress toward goals and metrics, as well as the latest developments across the district.
Learn more about our district-wide local and state accountability and improvement plans.