Cal Grant Opt-Out Notification

We strongly encourage students to apply for financial aid during their senior year by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application (CADAA).  California students who complete the FAFSA or CADAA may receive the Cal Grant based on their financial and academic eligibility. 

However, the state of California realizes that some students may not apply for financial aid.  As a result, high schools must notify 11th grade students (per California Ed Code 69432.9) that they have the opportunity to “opt-out” of being automatically considered as a Cal Grant applicant.  11th grade students who do not “opt-out” will have their verified GPA submitted to the California Student Aid Commission during their senior year to be considered for a Cal Grant award (per Assembly Bill 2160).  

If a student or parent chooses to “opt-out”, an official form must be submitted.  If the student is a minor, the form must be completed by the parent or guardian.  The form can be obtained from the student’s counselor.  The deadline for 11th grade students or parents to submit the “opt-out” form to their counselor is the last day of the school year (June 7th, 2024). 

The following documents and resources may assist students and parents with the financial aid application process: